Pandit Samir Chatterjeeim Theater am Faden in Stuttgart am 17. 8. 2012![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Nach Auswahl eines Bildes bitte rechts oder links ins Foto klicken oder Taste → und ← zum Blättern.
Pandit Samir Chatterjee, tabla In der Pause hatten wir Gelegenheit zu weiteren sehr informativen Gesprächen im zauberhaften Ambiente des Theater am Faden von Helga Bremme. Im zweiten Teil des Abends, dem reinen Konzertteil, erlebten wir nordindische Tablarhytmen in Vollendung. Ausserdem auch eine ganz besondere Prämiere. Der bereits international sehr bekannte und vielfach ausgezeichnete Schlagzeuger und Perkussionist Bodek Janke wurde das Erste Mal von seinem Tablalehrer Samir Chatterjee zu einem öffentlichen Konzert gebeten. Ingo Anhenn, kurzfristig dazugeladen, begleitete die Darbietung der beiden Tablas mit seiner Sitar sehr gekonnt.
Meister Samir Chatterjee ist nicht nur einer der größten und bekanntesten Namen in der Nordindischen Klassischen Musik
(spielt u.a. mit Ravi Shankar, Vilayat Khan, Pandit Jasraj), sondern mittlerweile auch kultureller Botschafter
für die UN und hält weltweit Vorträge über ein friedvolles und inspirierendes Miteinander. Unter anderem baut
er seit einigen Jahren eine Jugendmusikschule in Kabul / Afghanistan auf, um die dortige - größtenteils
unterdrückte oder zerstörte - Kultur wiederzubeleben. Pandit Samir Chatterjee is a virtuoso Tabla player of India. He travels widely across the world throughout the year performing in numerous festivals as a soloist or with other outstanding musicians from both Indian and western musical traditions. Samir performed at the Nobel Peace Prize ceremony in Oslo, Norway on December 10th, 2007. His compositions are widely acclaimed as well as his writings. Chatterjee began his studies early with Pandit Bankim Ghosh, Pt. Balaram Mukherjee, Pt. Rathin Dhar and Mohammad Salim. His later formation as a musician occurred under the guidance of Pt. Amalesh Chatterjee (since 1966) and Pt. Shyamal Bose (since 1984). All of Samir's teachers have been from the Farrukhabad Gharana (school) of Tabla-playing, which he now represents. Samir Chatterjee is an A-rated artist of the national radio and television of India. He can be heard on numerous recordings featuring as soloist, accompanying many of India's greatest musicians and in collaboration with western musicians of outstanding caliber. In concert Samir has accompanied many of India's greatest musicians including Pt. Ravi Shankar, Ud. Vilayat Khan, Pt. Bhimsen Joshi, Pt. Jasraj, Pt. Nikhil Banerjee, Pt. V.G. Jog, Pt . Shivkumar Sharma, Pt. Hariprasad Chaurasia, M. S. Gopalakrishnan, Ud. Amjad Ali Khan, Ud. Salamat Ali Khan, Smt. Lakshmi Shankar, Ud. Ashis Khan, Ud. Shujat Khan, Pt. Ajoy Chakraborty, Ud. Rashid Khan, Pt. Tejendra N. Mazumdar, Pt. Debashish Bhattacharya, to name only a few. Samir Chatterjee lives in New York-New Jersey area, where he has become a catalyst in the fusion of Indian and Western music, performing with Pauline Oliveros, William Parker, Branford Marsalis, Ravi Coltrane, Dave Douglas, Myra Melford, Steve Gorn, Glen Velez, Boby Sanabria, Ben Verdery, Dance Theater of Harlem, Boston Philharmonic, Ethos Percussion group, Da Capo Chamber Orchestra, Boston Musica Viva and other jazz, classical and avant guard musicians and ensembles. He is member of jazz trio SYNC with Ned Rothenberg and Jerome Harris and quintet Inner Diaspora together with Mark Feldman and Eric Friedlander. He also collaborates with Sufi-Rock singer Salman Ahmad of Junoon. He is also the composer and director of Nacho Nacho - Gypsy Storyteller and Chhand-Anand, World percussion Ensemble and Dawn to Dusk and Beyond. He performs with Sanjay Mishra on his CD "Blue Incantation" featuring Jerry Garcia as guest artist. Samir Chatterjee has been teaching for the last 30 years and many of his students are established performers. He is the Founder-Director of CHHANDAYAN, an organization dedicated to promoting and preserving Indian music and culture. He is the author of a comprehensive 654-page book entitled 'A Study of Tabla' and a guide book to Indian music titled 'Music of India'. He is on the faculty at Yale University, Manhattan School of Music, University of Pittsburgh, New School for Jazz and Contemporary Music and University of Bridgeport in CT. He also contributes to several newspapers and periodicals. He won gold medal for his proficiency ina musical examination (equivalent to B.Mus.). He has two master degrees, in English and History.
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